Goa is an upcoming 2010 Indian Tamil romantic comedy film written and directed by Venkat Prabhu, starring his "regular cast" comprising of Jai, Vaibhav, Premji Amaran and Aravind Akash in the lead roles along with the female artists Sneha, Piaa Bajpai and the Australian actress Melanie Marie Jobstreibitzer, who will be introduced to Kollywood. The film, produced by Soundarya Rajinikanth's Ocher Studios, has music scored by Yuvan Shankar Raja, who will also make a special appearance in the film. The film is currently in its filming stage and slated for a release on 29 January 2010.
The film follows the journey of three young men, Ramarajan, Vinayagam and Saamikannu, who flee from their remote, conservative village to escape their overly strict families and travel to the international tourist-destination Goa, where they enjoy themselves, experiencing things they have never had a chance to.